If breastfeeding sometimes feels a bit of a struggle, these tips from BabyCentre mums will help.
Get the help you need
"My local baby cafe was brilliant. When I had really sore nipples the breastfeeding counsellors there were really encouraging. They told me that I was actually doing OK and and gave me advice about how to help my baby to latch on. It gave me the strength to keep going when I'd felt like giving up. And meeting other breastfeeding mums there was an added bonus."
"Breastfeeding doesn't come naturally to everyone at first. But there are lots of helpful organisations such as The Breastfeeding Network, the NCT and La Leche League, so don't be shy to ask for it. "
"In the beginning, feeding the baby is a 24-hour job, so ask your partner to do the rest. Feed the baby, feed yourself and sleep. Have realistic expectations, and don't try to do everything yourself! "
Get the help you need
"My local baby cafe was brilliant. When I had really sore nipples the breastfeeding counsellors there were really encouraging. They told me that I was actually doing OK and and gave me advice about how to help my baby to latch on. It gave me the strength to keep going when I'd felt like giving up. And meeting other breastfeeding mums there was an added bonus."
"Breastfeeding doesn't come naturally to everyone at first. But there are lots of helpful organisations such as The Breastfeeding Network, the NCT and La Leche League, so don't be shy to ask for it. "
"In the beginning, feeding the baby is a 24-hour job, so ask your partner to do the rest. Feed the baby, feed yourself and sleep. Have realistic expectations, and don't try to do everything yourself! "
Don't be discouraged
"Frequent feeds are normal, so you won't get much else done during the first weeks or months. I made sure I didn't have formula in the house as I knew I'd be tempted to use it because it was there. "
"Not all GPs and health professionals are clued-up about breastfeeding. If you have a breastfeeding problem, and your GP or health visitor is unhelpful, ask if they know of or can refer you to be referred to a breastfeeding counselor or infant feeding specialist. There may be a drop-in clinic or support group at your local health centre."
"In the early days, take it one day at a time. If you're having a difficult day, tell yourself that tomorrow will be better. The first few weeks are the most tricky, and things will get easier. In the early days both you and your baby are learning about breastfeeding, and it can take a while for you both to get the hang of it. I've lost count of how many times I was on the verge of giving up. But I got help! "
"You need to be in the zone to express, especially at the start. When I was at work it helped me to look at pictures of my little one on my phone, and visualize breastfeeding, while I expressed."
"If you're thinking of stopping breastfeeding, buy a new bra! There are some gorgeous breastfeeding bras out there. Elle McPherson bras are practical and not hugely expensive, or have a look at www.figleaves.com for other brands. If you're feeling guilty about spending money on a bra, think of all the money you'll save by not buying formula milk!"
Problems can be solved
"I found Lansinoh ointment to be fantastic for cracked nipples. It helped them to heal and meant that I could carry on feeding at the same time. "
"My baby always preferred to feed from the left breast and would pull off and be unsettled when I tried to feed him from the right side. I found the rugby ball hold on his least preferred side solved the problem. It meant that he stayed in the same position when feeding off either side. You can ask a breastfeeding counsellor or your midwife to show you the positioning. "
"My breastmilk supply was getting low in the evenings, but expressing really helped. I use an electric breast pump and I clear my breasts after the first feed in the morning and before I go to bed. After a week's expressing I started to produce surplus milk and I can freeze some every day. I recommend using a pump that pumps both breasts at the same time. "
"Try expressing a bit of milk at the end of each feed and massaging it on to your nipples. Then let them air-dry completely before applying Lansinoh. Apply it between feeds too - I set a timer to remind me every hour throughout the day. It's really helped with the healing while I breastfeed my twins."
Make the most of breastfeeding time
"If you have twins, I recommend writing each feed down, so you don't forget which twin you fed, when. This is especially during the night when you're tired. I had a column for each twin and wrote down the date, time and how long they fed for."
"In the early days it sometimes felt like my baby was feeding for 23 hrs a day! So I just put on a DVD and enjoyed the special time we had together."
"To pass the time while breastfeeding, I go on BabyCentre, shop online, check what friends on different continents are doing on Facebook, and catch up on programmes on BBC iPlayer. So I never get bored!"